Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jessica got a new toy last week. It's an exersaucer and can you tell she loves it! She loves eating the cake the most! The tea pot is musical and she enjoys that too!
Bryson loves playing in it too. He sure thinks it's cool! Who says a boy can't be cool in pink?
Cool Dude!!!


Jessica said...

So sweet! Thanks for leaving a comment on our blog, it's fun to see how everybody is doing. I just love it! Your little family is super cute! It will be great to keep in touch.

Unknown said...

HI!! I am glad you found me! Your kids are adorable! Thanks for saying hi, and I am really excited to stay in touch! Good to "see" you!

Hanna in the Hizzzouse.. said...

I love that everybody is finding each other! Blogging is so great for that reason! I love the new posts, sooooo cute!!I love all of the pictures of your cute, cute family!~

Unknown said...
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Holly said...

Liz! Hi!! I just barely found your comment, thanks! I'm so excited to keep in touch better with everyon! :) You have a cute blog!

Hanna in the Hizzzouse.. said...

It was so fun running into you today! I hope the birthday turned out to be a blast!

Holly said...
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Anonymous said...

Liz! I found you through a random "oops" that I clicked on some elses blog, so now we can be friends... as soon as I figure out how to work this blog thing! What are you up to?